Analysis of Educational Tourism Management at Smart Park, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Ani Wijayanti, Janianton Damanik, Chafid Fandeli, Sudarmadji Sudarmadji


The concept of educational tourism developed as a consequence of the saturation of applying learning methods in a rigid and formal room. Yogyakarta as a student and cultural city has several educational tourism objects, one of which is the Smart Park. Smart Park Yogyakarta as the most comprehensive science center in Southeast Asia offers various educational tourism program packages. The objective of this study is to analyze the Smart Park management model by conducting a survey to 200 visitors with data analyzed by SEM-PLS method. Data analysis is done in two ways, namely model feasibility test and significance test through bootstrapping process. Based on the data result analysis, the most dominant influence is management performance to the variation of tourism activities with path analysis of 0,653. The indicator with the largest contribution is learning new technology by loading factor value of 0.872. In terms of product availability, almost all educational tourism activities are available, unless for the tourist attractions related to learning a new language.



Educational Tourism, Tourist Demand, Tourist Experience

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