Sikap Masyarakat terhadap Pemberitaan Bahaya Flu Babi di Media Massa

Dadi Ahmadi, Adhi Iman Sulaeman


The result shows that television is the most accessible mass media and owned by the majority of the respondents. Even though the respondents very intensive in accessing the television, they only incidentally viewed the news of swine influenza risk and thus they are very speculative in nature  in viewing the news of swine influenza risk.  Thus,  cognition aspect of respondent about the swine influenza risk news release is very low because they only acknowledge the news but they do not understand the importance of the news for them. While, their affective aspect shows that they feel more anxious about swine flu risk because there is no socialization of swine flu risk preventions. The last but not least aspect is the behavior aspect. Here, the respondents generally act to ask to close the pig livestock to the owners or even to the state apparatuses if there is a swine flu infected case in their area. This research suggested that   the Banyumas local  government   through the health,  animal husbandry, and fishery agencies should more proactive on the swine flu risk  preventions  policy implementation,  for example,  socializing,  periodically and sustainably,  swine flu risk  preventions specially in the area surrounding the pigs livestock.


Swine Influenza; Media Massa; Policy Implementation, Komunikasi


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Sumber lain:

Harian Suara Merdeka, 27-30 April 2009

Harian Kompas, 27 – 30 Mei 2009



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