Determinants of Social Poverty in Mountainous Areas of Talegong, Garut Regency

Tasya Aspiranti, Ima Amaliah


Poverty is a multidimensional problem since it is not only an economic problem but also a social, political and even cultural problem. The purpose of this research is to identify the determinant factor of social poverty in the mountain region of Talegong Subdistrict. The research type is quantitative descriptive with field survey method. The analysis technique using descriptive statistics and the sample is determined by purposive random sampling. The concept of social poverty uses BPS and Chambers indicators. Respondents interviewed were village heads, LPMDes, community leaders and communities in seven villages in Talegong sub-district. Based on the results of observations and interviews with respondents, there are four determinants of social poverty in Talegong sub-district: the factor of poverty itself, abandonment, alienation & remoteness and vulnerable to natural disasters. While three other factors such as physical, mental and social neglect factors; social impairment factor  and behavioral deviation from religious and community norms, and factors of victims and physical, mental and social violence were not found in Talegong sub-district.


Poverty, Disability, Alienation & Remoteness, Natural Disasters

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