Dilema Elite Politik dan Kekuatan Media Massa

Adhi Iman Sulaiman


The dominance of the political drama in the media seemed to be the evidence of a democratic process in which the political actors are always racing to win popularity or good imaging of themselves either individually or collectively (political party). However, the political drama is increasingly showing an interest gap, where the people actually crave affairs and social developmen. This is the rare serious discussion covered by the mass media, because it is less interesting than the debate of political and legal problems, or that reality is really no serious struggle about the fate of the people’s welfare. Democracy is not for any political and legal issues as well as press freedom, but democracy is to answer how people could be prospered by the government and the representatives (political elites) who carry out the mandate of the people through elections.


Political Drama; Mass Media; Social Development; Welfare; Sosial


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29313/mimbar.v26i2.298


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