Biologi Komunikasi melalui Implementasi “Information Communications Technology”

Deni Darmawan


The Biological communication Behavior has been constructed through the explanation of  the phenomena of their specific part of activies encompassing: Prefrontal, Frontal, Parietal, Central, Occipital and Parasagital which have been significantly tested in terms of their impacts in learning acceleration starting from Elementary School to College level. This study is conducted by means of constructive approach, meaning that it employs both the Quantitative and Qualitative techniques.The study outcomes show that: (1) designing of learning information with instructional model of communication and information  technology based their significant impacts on the learning acceleration controlled by the communication biology; (2) The biological communication behaviors that take place between the left brain and the right one is done by the specific parts as can be observed in such of learning activities; (3) Biological Communication is reliably tested scientifically from the  science point of view, especially from the intrapersonal and interpersonal perspective study.


Biologi Komunikasi; ICT; Interaksi Pembelajaran; Sosial


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