The Role Of Communication Climate In Improving Work Performance

Poppy Ruliana, Puji Lestari, Susi Andrini, Suhendra Atmaja


Communication climate in an organization has a very important role because communication is a way for employees to interact, either with their superior or between departments in the same position or with other employees working in different division to improve work performances. This research uses theory of communication climate from Pace and Faules (2006). Survey is used as a method in this descriptive research. The sample of study are 67 employees of Sari Ater Hotel & Resort taken in random (probability sampling); data is collected by distributing questionnaires and interviews with employees from various levels existing in the Sari Ater & Hotel Resort. Technique of data analysis carried out quantitatively using a formula of frequency distribution n = f/nx100%, and qualitatively by analyzing and interpreting the data. The objective of this research is to find out and analyze the role of organizational communication climate practices to improve employees’ performance in Sari Ater & Hotel Resort. The research result shows that organizational communication climate practices play a significant role in improving the performance of Sari Ater & Hotel Resort’s employees.


Organizational Communication, Communication Climate, Work Performance

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