Relationship Between Business Competence And Business Survival Of Culinary Business In Bandung

Asep Kurniawan, Yun Yun


SMEs (Small and Medium-size Enterprise) in Indonesian are only growing in terms of quantity and undeveloped in terms of quality, which causing a decrease in competitiveness. The solution is not through the provision of financial approach but can be in a form of an agency that knows about the market or those who can provide knowledge about the quality of the product. The objective of this study is to analyze the competence of small businesses and business survival of SMEs in culinary field of Bandung. The analytical method used in this research is Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). CFA method is used to measuring the relationship between each indicator to explain the competence of small business and business sustainability. Indicator of entrepreneur competence and business survival can be explained by all indicator researcher has been used. Small businesses of culinary in Bandung have a high category for the dimension of opportunity competency, organizing competency, strategy competency, social competency, and commitment competency. Nevertheless, there is still category of sufficient dimension, that is conceptual competency.


Competence, Business Sustainability, SMEs

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