Synergicity of Triple Helix Creative Economy Model in Malang

Sri Muljaningsih, Multifiah Multifiah, Ajeng Kartika Galuh


The Triple Helix concept, the government-academics-business relationship, has been established in response to the 2005-2025 Creative Economy Long-term National Development Plan, especially in the mission of economic value creation of creative innovation. This study explores the factors influencing sinergicity of the triple helix model with SMEs' organic product in Malang as its object. This research was conducted with mixed methodology of FGD and survey. Validity and reliability test were performed based on the Cronbach's Alpha value and after being fulfilled, continue with analysis factor. The result of analysis creates 3 factors, namely: 1) variable of creative industry driver subject; 2) variable of organic product's Moslem businessmen characteristic; 3) variable of creative industry supporting.  It concludes that there is a correlation among those variables, but its sinergicity is not optimally done yet.  The finding shows that there is a concept of creative economy product innovation sinergicity of triple helix model modification of Moslem SMEs in Malang.



Creative Economy, Sinergicity, Moslem SMEs

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