Penerimaan Teman Sebaya, Kesepian, dan Kecanduan Bermain Gim Daring pada Remaja di Jakarta

Octavianus Prabowo, Juneman Juneman


Indonesia’s youth has been facing several significant problems such as drug addiction and online-video games addiction. The Indonesia Manual for Classification and Diagnosis of Mental Disorders (PPDGJ III) has not yet included diagnosis criteria for online-video games addiction. This research was the first to find the relationship between online-video games addiction with a predictor that is peer-acceptance and a mediator variable that is loneliness. Path analysis with Structural Equation Model was applied to 133 sample data of Jakartan teenagers aged 12-18. The result showed that hypothesized research model was suitable to the empirical data (÷2 = 1,56; p > 0,05; GFI > 0,90). If the addicted teenagers perceived that they are not accepted by their peers, followed by strong feelings of loneliness, this psychological situation worsened their addiction to online-video games.


Kecanduan; Video Gim Daring; Penerimaan Sebaya; Kesepian; Remaja Jakarta; Sosial


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