Measuring the Importance of Stemming Radicalism In the Decentralization Era of Democracy

Endang Supriadi


This article is based on studies conducted to describe the stemming of radicalism in the era of democratic decentralization. The author has a thesis that the acceptance of radicalism narration occurred gradually. In the early stages of accepting the narrative, people begin to realize about the world's disaster and the prevailing system in society. They then withdraw from extrovert society by establishing a clear distinction between "us" and "them". The differences of identity begin to unfold along with denial of differences based on religious sentiments. An antidote to radicalization is necessary: deradicalization. Radicalism is not then present without being preceded by an intolerant attitude which then turns to acts of terrorism. When an individual commits an act of terror, it is indirectly past the stage before the individual commits the terror: intolerant and radicalism. In this era of decentralization, democracy starts the freedom of expression for every citizen, including criticizing government policies without fear of repressive actions from the state. Along with the strengthening of democratic decentralization policy, the dynamics of radical religious group movements also decentralized.


Radicalism, Deradicalization, Democracy

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