Performance of Active Customers Number PT Pegadaian Indonesia

Achmad Daengs GS, Diana Zuhroh


The objective of this study to analyze the consequences of active customers number, operational offices, loans granted to net income at PT Pegadaian. Data were quantitative sourced from secondary data taken from official website of PT Pegadaian Indonesia in the form of annual financial statements period 2011-2016 (Central Biro Statistic). Data analysis technique used in this research is Structural Equation Model (SEM) analysis with Smart Partial Least Square (PLS) tool. The results of this study indicate that: number of active customers has an insignificant effect on net income; The operational office has a significant positive effect on net income; Loans granted has significant and positive effect on net income. In general, financial statement consists of balance sheet, profit and loss and report of financial position changes. Balance sheet shows total assets, debt and capital of inventory on a certain date, financial ratios are the most popular tool for analyzing financial statements.


Number of Active Customers, Operational Offices, Loans granted, Net Income

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