Konstruksi Identitas Kultural Masyarakat Pluralis dalam Terpaan Globalisasi

Pawito Pawito, Drajat Tri Kartono


This article aims to consider the construction of cultural identity through communication process within globalization era. The article based on qualitative research to look at communicatioan procces in which the cultural identity construction is taken place. The recent research focus on cultural identity of community living along the sea area, named Kaliwungu sub district, Kendal, Central of Java. This research conclude that cultural identity constructed by people of Kaliwunggu is influenced by global mass media. Televisioan as main media has good and bad impact toward people of Kaliwungu. Nevertheless, their tradition, local people forum and central mosque has been achore in which local value and tradition is maintained.


Identitas Kultur; Komunikasi; Globalisasi; Sosial


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29313/mimbar.v29i1.376


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