Kata Ganti Penghubung “yang” dalam Surat Perjanjian KSO Kajian Sintaktik dan Semantik

Dheni Budiman, Eva Tuckita Sari S, Heryanto Heryanto


The material discussed in this article is about how the relative pronoun “yang” as a Source Language is translated into Targe Language. This research is aimed at identifying the process of the relative pronoun “yang” after being translated into English. The data in use is KSO Agreement between PT. Telkom and PT. Aria West International. From the result of the research which has used corpus analysis, it can be concluded that; there are three analysis of the translation of the relative pronoun “yang” translated into English. They are; the translation which is not followed by the change of sentence in English; the translation which is followed by the change of sentence in English; the translation which does not become the relative pronoun in English.


Relative Pronoun; Translation; Legal Language; Social


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29313/mimbar.v29i2.385


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