Persuasive Da’wah Agenda based on Sociodemographic Factors: A Study in Cimahi

Bambang Saiful Ma'arif, Umar Yusuf, Suliadi Suliadi, Parihat Parihat


This paper is a result of  primary research titled “Mapping  the Profile of Persuasive Da’wah Agenda in Cimahi City.” Cimahi is well known as the industrial centre of ‘creative animation’. The method of research is quantitative by conducting surveys through questionnaires to 399 respondents in   Cimahi using multistage random sampling technique. This paper presents important data on the socio-demographic factors of the citizens which can be basic in planning the effective da’wah activities. The sociodemographic factor aforementioned are age, education, and gender of respondents. Those factors must be accurately identified in order to plan the persuasive da’wah. The views of the citizens toward da’wah activity can be parameters toward persuasive da’wah, including what religious theme they preferred to, their preference on the actual da’wah themes, their liking on entrepreneurial da’wah, etc. Citizens give responses to da’wah agenda of both bil-lisan (da’wah through speech) and bil-hal (da’wah through one’s character).  The more accepted a da’wah, it means the more persuasive the da’wah is. When citizens do not like the da’wah, it can be said an unpersuasive one.  Da’wah persuasion is closely related to its acceptability by the citizens.


response to da'wah, mapping of da’wah activity, profile of persuasive da’wah,

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