Proses Kolaboratif dalam Perencanaan Berbasis Komunikasi Pada Masyarakat Non-Kolaboratif

Ely Sufianti, Dewi Sawitri, Krishnai Nur Pribadi, Tommy Firman


The collaborative process is a key element of the communicative-based planning. This process requires participations, equality of power, as well as adequate competence of the actors who engage the process. This condition seems difficult to occur in the societies, especially those in developing countries, in which people’s participation, equality of power, and competence are considered low (uncollaborative society). The purpose of this paper is to explore whether the collaborative process can occur or not in the context of such societies.  The empirical investigation was conducted by using the qualitative research methods with a case study approach to sidewalk vendors arrangement planning at Banjarsari, Surakarta City. It shows that the planning involves the collaborative process stages and authentic dialogue, which are the key aspects of collaborative process.


Collaboration; Planning; Sidewalk Vendors; Devlopment



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