Shipyard Industrial Development Studies East Kalimantan

Warsilan Warsilan


Since the national policy the principle of cabotage was carried out, the development of the shipbuilding industry has not been able to keep up the growth of ocean freight industry and experiencing obstacles, because the lack of Government support both in the funding, regulation and also the construction of the infrastructure. East Kalimantan province has some of potential shipping industry in supporting the development of leading sectors. Research objectives are; identify the potential and the problem, as well as industry development strategy of formulate shipyards for Government and industry peers. Methods used through observation, interview against the perpetrators of the object of research, analyze and formulate strategy. Results of the study indicated the ship industry production costs still high, a factor restricting the price of domestic-made ships more expensive around 10%-30% in comparison with imported products. In addition to the production time, relatively longer because of the lack of support and other supporting components industries.


Development, Industry, Shipyard.

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