The Structural Factors Facilitating Post-Earthquake Compromise between Contracting Parties

Rinel Fitlayeni, Marleni Marleni, Ikhsan Muharma Putra, Afrizal Afrizal, Indraddin Indraddin


The earthquake on September 30, 2009 occurred in West Sumatra had caused great loses and damages in several cities, including the central market known as Pasar Raya in Padang City. This condition had led to various malfunctions and local communities were unable to meet post-disaster needs. The government as the authority was not fully in line with local needs that caused the occurrence of several conflicts of interest between the Government and the traders of Pasar Raya. This research is applying the qualitative approach with descriptive types. The informants are selected through purposive sampling technique consisting of traders and the government of Padang City. The data collection techniques are in-depth interviews, document studies, and focus group discussions (FGD). The study results show that the conflicts were no longer took place openly due to the compromise among parties involved with points as follows: a) the involvement of third parties to resolve the conflict, b) personal approach to the traders, c) resolving conflicts through non-litigation by the government.


Conflict, Compromise, Contracting Parties

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