Pemetaan Masalah dan Solusi Konflik Lokal dalam Pilkada Langsung di Indonesia

Mahi M Hikmat


Direct elections in Indonesian was born after the reform. The change of Law 22/1999 becomes Law 32/2004 has changed the Regional Head of the Parliament election becomes elected by all the people of the region. However, direct election is not free from problems. To discover this fact, it is conducted research on Problem Mapping and Local conflict Solutions in Direct elections in Indonesia. By using descriptive qualitative method, it is concluded that: The main problem is the Direct Election of the general policy of the Government in the form of "rules of play" and the adequacy of the implementation time to implement it. It has spawned some weaknesses, such as: a) List of Voters is not clear, b) Inadequate Facilities-Infrastructure & Monitoring, c) Delivery of Ballot are late, d) the candidate’s Psychology & Supporters are not ready, e) the socialization is not maximum, and f) Election Commission is not experienced.


Election; Problem; Conflicts; Solutions


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Undang-Undang No. 32 Tahun 2004 tentang Pemerintahan Daerah



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