Peningkatan Aksesibilitas “3 M-Mobile Learning” sebagai Layanan Pendidikan

Deni Darmawan


Pillars of education development in Indonesia as outlined in the National Education Strategic Plan is Pilar Access, Equity, Quality and Governance. This study tries to provide solutions pillar of success in schooling access learning services South West Java. Implementation of the research conducted in cooperation with Kemendikbud, Provincial Education Department, Office of education, UPTD, School, until teachers and students through the Department of Educational Technology faculty coordination. The purpose of this study are: ( 1 ) establish a system of mobile learning engine that can be used as an alternative to provide communications services distance learning schooling was in the southern region of West Java, (2 ) analyze the use of 3M - MLearning in increasing Accessibility teachers and students in learning in schooling algebra south. The method used is the Research and Development (R&D). The target of this study is 5 Banjar, Kudat District, Tasikmalaya, Pangandaran, Cianjur and Sukabumi. The results of this study, namely: ( 1 ) the product obtained mobile learning engine that supports learning communication services according to the needs of teachers and students in learning in schooling southern West Java, (2 ) There is a growing Accessibility 3M - MLearning online by teachers and students in supporting the learning of schooling algebra south. Renewable technology products of this research in the form of 3M MLearning website which can then be managed by the teacher, students through the ICT center in the region more broadly.


Aksessibilitas; Mobile Learning Engine


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