Evaluasi tentang Implementasi Kebijakan Pengembangan Kawasan Minapolitan di Kabupaten Gorontalo Utara

Sukarman Kamuli


This article is to study the policy implementation of Minapolitan area development in Gorontalo Utara Regency. The result of research shows that the implementation of policy of Minapolitan area development had an impact on  the change of knowledge, skill, and the attitude of fishermen member of Minapolitan. The changes  can be seen in the ability to manage fishing commerce and develop various types of cultivation that is facilitated by local government. Another change is physically visible from the opening of roads and bridges access, telecommunication, and  education accesss. Synergy of  Working Group as a responsible policy development Minapolitan  have not maximized  yet,  especially in terms of marketing and promotion of the production of fishery products and aquaculture. The existence of koperasi, BRI, and other financial institution have not given an opportunity to the fishermen to get credit for business development.


Minapolitan Policy, Minapolitan Area, Fishermen


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29313/mimbar.v30i1.450


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