Agglomeration in Tourism: The Case of SEZs in Regional Development Goals

Fitri Rahmafitria, Heru Purboyo, Arief Rosyidie


The Special Economic Zones (SEZs) is one of the tourism agglomeration models whose effectiveness in meeting development goals needs to be analyzed. Tourism agglomeration policies that are not in line with the national development goals will cause inequality, especially in the welfare of the local community. The aim of this study is to analyses the effectiveness of SEZ policies in achieving regional development goals by comparing the community prosperity level with the goals of tourism development. The study is conducted by employing the meta-analysis method and uses secondary data of economic study from the West Nusa Tenggara Province which compares the National Development Index (HDI) with the regional tourism development targets. There is a quite large gap between the quality of education of the local community and the standard of human resource (HR) requirements specified in the SEZs. Management of tourism agglomeration must be carried out with a sustainable development approach, namely by integrating tourism development strategies into regional development.


tourism agglomeration, regional development, government role

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