A Gap Model Analysis of Laboratory Service Quality at Engineering Faculty of Private University

Nugraha Nugraha, Dewi Shofi, Iyan Bachtiar, Kamal Imran Mohd Sharif


The gap between students and laboratory managers at the faculty of engineering is a problem discussed in this study. This study aims to discover the gap between laboratory managers at the engineering faculty and customer perspectives (students) in the importance of service and performance satisfaction. Service Quality (SERVQUAL) method is used in this study to determine the value of perceptions and expectations of students as customers. The results of the research show that the average values of the dimensions of service quality (tangible, empathy, responsiveness, reliability, assurance) as a whole are 4.679 for the average of expected value and 3.913 for the average of perceived value. It means there are still gaps since the average of expected value is greater than the actual value. Thus, it can be concluded that the perceived value of the overall quality dimension is lower than the expected value, meaning the students are not satisfied because their expectations have not fulfilled yet and there are gaps between students and laboratory managers in the engineering faculty. Laboratory managers are advised to improve service that has a large gap, namely tangible, by providing comfortable, clean, and spacious laboratory rooms in accordance with laboratory standards; complete and adequate supporting facilities for practicum; and the quality and quantity of practicum tools in accordance with the needs of the practicum process.  


gap model analysis, quality of service, laboratory

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29313/mimbar.v36i1.5350


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