Communication between Parents and Autistic Children to Gain Social Support

Herna Herna, Sarwititi Sarwoprasodjo, Aida Vitayala S Hubies, Herien Puspitawati


The prevalence of autism among children in Indonesia during the last decade has been increased dramatically. This condition becomes a matter of concern because parents who raise children with autism experience stress and it is impacted their parenting. That situation is directly attributable to the fact that children with autism are often rigid and obsessive. Additionally, social stigma increases stress to parents of children with autism. This research aims to explore offline and online social supports for parents of children with autism. Targeted online social support sources are Facebook and WhatsApps Group. The research results show that the parents acquire offline social supports, especially from the nuclear family. Parents receive online social support that they could not fulfill offline and have benefited from online social media groups by getting information and emotional supports.


social support, social media, autism

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