Corruption In Lampung Local Election

Robi Cahyadi Kurniawan, Arizka Warganegara, Budi Kurniawan, Himawan Indrajat


Local elections (pilkada) in Indonesia have many impacts, both positive and negative. Positive impact means local election is the implementation of direct democracy. Whereas, one of the negative impacts is the number of direct elections for regional heads that has led to the phenomenon of widespread corruption by regional heads (Kepada Daerah). In Lampung Province, eight (8) regional heads did corruption; four (4) of them caught red-handed with hand-catching operations (OTT) by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). The purpose of this study is to analyze the phenomenon of corruption in regional elections in Lampung Province. This research uses qualitative methods with a descriptive approach. There are three (3) main factors influence corruption: first, anthropological factor, namely strong desire to rule; second, economic factor, namely the desire to obtain financial benefits from the results of power; third, sociological factors, such as the influence of family environment, social and political position status. The dominant factor is the economic factor due to the high political costs and large number of regulatory “loopholes” that can be manipulated for corruption. The high political costs are also caused by money politics.



Modus, Korupsi, Kepala Daerah, Pemilihan Gubernur Lampung 2018

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