The Importance of Organizational Commitments and Performance: Studies of Corporate University in West Java

Putu Nina Madiawati, Mahir Pradana, Sulistijono Sulistijono


Corporate universities have a vital role in learning, training, and improving the knowledge that directly supports business units' performance. This study aims to observe the influence of Corporate University on an organizational commitment that impacts organizational performance. We tested our model to 100 corporate university employees in West Java, Indonesia. For ensuring the accuracy of our observation, we interviewed the managing officers of related corporate universities for conducting our analysis. Our results indicate that the role of the corporate University in organizational commitment significantly affects organizational performance. Furthermore, this research shows us that corporate university performance has a positive influence towards organizational commitment, and in the end will bring a positive influence to organizational performance. The better a corporate university performs, the employees' commitment will be more conducive and trigger ideal organizational synergy. In the end, we expect this study to contribute to the vast collections of organizational learning literature.


Corporate University, Organizational Commitment, Organizational Performance

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