The Strategy of Waqf Influencing through International Center of Awqaf Studies Indonesia

Ahmad Fanani, Norhazlin Muhammad


Waqf has an important role in improving social life, economy, welfare, education, and creating zero hunger as stated in the Sustainable Development Goals in 2015. However, many Muslims still do not know the definition and function of waqf. Even though Indonesia is known as Muslim Country Population (WCP), it still has constraints in the economy and welfare of its population. University of Darussalam (UNIDA) Gontor in collaboration with the Central Bank of Indonesia establish International Center of Awqaf Studies (ICAST) as a place of creating successor on waqf specialization through various programs that expected to enhance waqf understanding and formulate the experimental cases of waqf in Gontor Indonesia that existed since 1958 till now. This research aims to disseminate waqf to the people of Indonesia until waqf accepted and implemented easily. This research uses descriptive qualitative method with a case study in the ICAST. The conclusion of this research is ICAST disseminating waqf understanding to many levels of society through several programs, such as the establishment of master in waqf economics, research and publications, nazir waqf certification, seminars, and workshops


ICAST, influencing, waqf understanding

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