Land Cover Change Impact on Coastal Tourism Development near Pacitan Southern Ringroad

Riswandha Risang Aji, Visilya Faniza


Tourism is one of the economic sectors that can make a difference to the regional economy. Pacitan Regency is one of the regions which has tourism sector as its income. Pacitan regency also has Southern Ringroad that opens access to some coastal areas. Coastal areas have some tourism potentials, especially beach tourism. The aim of this research is to describe land cover change and its impacts on three beaches as coastal tourism areas due to the development of the southern ringroad. This research uses descriptive analysis to describe land cover change using remote sensing analysis and social-economic development in the coastal tourism area. Satellite images from Landsat 7 are analyzed to describe the land cover change. The result of this research shows that there is the land cover change which leads to social and economic development. Social development in the area is concluded not vulnerable and economic development is improved.


land cover change, remote sensing analysis, tourism development

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