Land Change Patterns for Predicting Sustainable Agriculture Development

Agus Yadi Ismail, Sri Ayu Andayani, Ivan Chovyan, Asep Wahyudin


Land use must be planned and adjusted to the capabilities of the land itself. This study aims to analyze the pattern of land change over a period of 20 years in the Cimanuk Hulu watershed. The method employed is the confrontation between land-use patterns in 2000 and 2020. Landsat imagery through ERDAS Imagine 8.5 Software is used to analyze the classification of land use patterns from 2000 to 2020. Based on the analysis results, there has been an increase in land for settlements by 6.28 percent and water bodies by 2.35 percent. This is due to the construction of the Jatigede reservoir, while the allocation of rice fields decreased by 3.71 percent. For 20 years, there has been a change in land-use patterns by land conversion. This presents a challenge for the development in the Upper Cimanuk watershed area. Policymakers have a role in planning, developing, evaluating, and determining appropriate strategies in the process of sustainable agricultural development.


land-use change, landsat imagery, upstream cimanuk

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