Strategy to Produce Quality Human Resources for the Islamic Finance Industry

Mohamad Andri Ibrahim, Nanik Eprianti, Shakila Carisya


The Financial Services Authority (OJK) states there are at least four challenges faced by the Islamic finance industry in Indonesia; one of the biggest challenges is the limited Human Resources (HR). This study will create a strategy for universities in fulfilling Human Resources needs, especially in the Islamic Finance Industry using the ANP method. Based on the results of interviews with seven experts, it shows that the aspect of the field of Fiqh Muamalah is a priority for HR needs in Islamic Financial Institutions. Therefore, the main strategy in meeting human resources following the needs of the Islamic finance industry is the development of a curriculum that is continuously updated, especially in the field of scientific studies of fiqh muamalah where universities prepare human resources by increasing cooperation with the Islamic finance industry to conduct joint research and improve internship programs for students. As it is a work of researchers from the Sharia economics study program, it is hoped that this research will become a recommendation for BMT to increase its role in the world of the Islamic finance industry, especially in improving microeconomics.


strategy, human resources, sharia financial industry

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