Social Capital Analysis at The Citarum Harum Implementation Area

Muthya Diana


The Citarum Harum is one of the government’s efforts to revitalize the Citarum River Basin. This requires community participation, and one of the factors that correlate is social capital. This study aims to determine the condition of existing social capital in the area of implementation of the Citarum Harum Program. A quantitative approach with the survey is used in this study and a questionnaire becomes the instrument of data collection. Afterward, quantitative descriptive techniques are applied to analyze the collected data. The results show that the social capital of the studied community corresponding to the dimensions of groups and networks, collective action and cooperation, social cohesion, and inclusiveness are moderate; while the dimension of trust and solidarity is high. Based on typology, the study finds two types of social capital: Bonding Social Capital and Bridging Social Capital. Meanwhile, the Linking Social Capital characteristic is not identified. The optimization of social capital to support the Citarum Harum Program can be intervened through their village organizational/institutional empowerment with emphasis on capacity building focused on religious and youth leaders.



citarum harum program, bonding social capital, bridging social capita

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