Analysis of Development Index of Land Border Area through Composite Index Construction

D. A. Rahim, D. S. Priyarsono, Ernan Rustiadi, Yusman Syaukat


The land border area in Indonesia is a strategic area from a social, economic, political, cultural, and security perspective. The arrangement and development of the border area as a strategic area are needed to synchronize the policies of the central and regional governments. Even though it has several problems, currently, the development of the border area has become one of the development priorities by the government. The Development Index of Land Border Area was built to analyze development dynamics in border areas during 2018 - 2019 using Linear Aggregation Model (OECD 2008). It is used as a reference in program preparation and evaluation of central and regional government policies related to border development and management. This research was conducted in twenty-one districts in the land border area of Indonesia, covering five provinces, namely West Kalimantan (Kalimantan Barat), East Kalimantan, North Kalimantan, East Nusa Tenggara, and Papua. The dimensions used in this calculation are economic, social, infrastructure, communication technology, and the environment, as well as eleven sub-dimensions and twenty-nine variables. All observation areas have economic resources in the agricultural sector, but some areas are also tourist areas. Over ten years, the development index for Indonesia’s land border areas was quite volatile but still ranged from 10- 20. During 2010 - 2019, Berau (East Kalimantan) achieved the highest development composite index of 25.4, and the lowest was Sabu Raijua (East Nusa Tenggara) achieved the lowest composite index of 19.8.


development index of land border area, border area development, development strategy

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