Analisis Deskriptif tentang Kinerja Nadzir Wakaf

Tata Fathurrohman, Ayi Sobarna, A Mujahid Rasyid


Under Law No. 41 In 2004, Indonesian Waqf Board in charge of fostering productive endowment managers in order to function not only as a means of worship mahdhah (vertical worship), but also a tool of social economic equilibrium. For coaching effectiveness, it is required data as the basis of coaching itself. This study aims to determine how the performance of managers in managing endowments. This study found that of the planning of the program, 62.7% of the endowment managers surveyed have had the vision, mission, goals and programs. However, only 31.03% of the managers who have to write it in the form of documentation. Only about a quarter of the endowment managers surveyed that have plans to manage productive endowments, the rest undecided. In terms of activity, endowment managers in question can be grouped in a very passive endowment managers. It can be seen from the percentage of the object transition process of private property into endowment  property manager that 82.76% is the result of property owner initiatives.


Productive Endowments, managers, Indonesian Endowment Board


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