Disaster Resilient Women’s Forum’s Strategic Plan for Local Mitigation Community

Ina Helena Agustina, Astri Mutia Ekasari, Riswandha Risang Aji, Atie Rachmiatie


Greater Bandung Basin has a fault that has disaster risk which is an earthquake. That fault named Lembang Fault is located on the northern side of Bandung. One of the villages in Lembang Fault is Cikole village which is not only known for its tourism but also known to have a very large disaster risk; it is not only threatening local residents but also threatening tourists. The existence of the Disaster Resilient Women’s Forum as a Village-level Disaster Risk Management Forum/Forum Penanggulangan Resiko Bencana (FPRB) is very strategic. The strategic plan becomes a framework that can assist the Cikole Village Disaster Resilient Women Forum in identifying, prioritizing, and implementing actions to reduce the risk of lurking disaster hazards. This research aims to describe the strategic plan of the Disaster Resilient Women’s Forum. The method used is PRA (Participatory Rural Appraisal) involving multi-stakeholders, especially PKK women who are the administrators of the Disaster Resilient Women’s Forum, in the process of identifying actual conditions and formulating strategic plans so that this forum can operate according to its function. Results of this research are strategic plans that can be a tool in order to make a resilient community. There are 4 (four) main programs in the strategic plan, namely planning and regulation, administrative and technical, funding, and capacity building.


disaster resilient women, cikole village, disaster strategic planning

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29313/mimbar.v37i2.8457


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