The Influence of Bureaucratic Transformational Leadership and Public Sector Organizational Culture on ASN Performance

Ismet Sulila


The research aims to discover: 1) the impact of bureaucratic transformational leadership on the performance of State Civil Apparatus, 2) the impact of organizational culture in public sector on the performance of State Civil Apparatus, and 3) the impact of bureaucratic transformational leadership and organizational culture in public sector on the performance of State Civil Apparatus. The research is conducted by applying quantitative method and involving 57 apparatuses as the population and samples. The data are collected through techniques of questionnaire, interview, and documentation while the data analysis encompasses analysis of quantitative, classical assumption, normality, multicollinearity, heteroscedasticity, and autocorrelation as well as multiple regression. Meanwhile, the hypothesis test employs SPSS program. The research finding evidences that the bureaucratic transformational leadership and organizational culture in public sector impact the performance of State Civil Apparatus. Additionally, the finding has a crucial implication to strengthen the bureaucratic transformational leadership and organizational culture in public sector in contributing to the performance of State Civil Apparatus enormously.


Leadership; Culture; Performance.

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