Etika Konsumsi Islami dari Pegawai SMU di Kota Bandung
The aim of this paper is to find out how is the Islamic consumption behavior of the employees working at the Senior High Schools in Bandung. This paper used the quantitative descriptive approach with survey method. The respondents were 100 people taken from all the employees (teachers and administration staffs ) working at 10 selected Senior High Schools. The result shows that there was no significant difference of the consumption behavior between the employees working at Islamic education institutions and public institutions in Bandung. In general, the Islamic consumption behavior from the employees working around Senior High Schools environment was categorized high mainly for the indicator of selecting the halal brand food, good and useful in the consumption.However, there was still the behavior directing to useless and excessive behavior caused by the effect of advertisement, discount and personal prestige. There fore,internalization of the religious values in all aspects of life as well as the improvement of knowledge in which an individual can minimize the consumptive behavior that engenders him or her as well as their whole life is considerably required
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