Application of The Tasmi' Al-Quran Method in Improving The Quality of Students' Memoiration

Umamah Rizky Amalia, A Mujahid Rasyid, Ikin Asikin


A person who memorizes the Qur'an using the tasmi' method will be aware of his mistakes, because he could pronounce letters or harakat incorrectly. As a result, he will focus more on memorization. This research aims to determine the application of the tasmi' method, the results of applying the tasmi' method, the differences and similarities in the application of the tasmi' method at DAQU and in DM. This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive research type. Data collection was carried out through observation techniques, interviews and documentation studies. Data analysis techniques used include data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. Research result shows that the application of the tasmi' method at DAQU and DM both starts with learning recitation first, then the process of memorizing, muroja'ah preparing tasmi', and carrying out tasmi' activities. The result of applying the tasmi' method at DAQU and in DM is that this activity can help improve the quality of students' memorization by using the tasmi' method. The differences and similarities in the application of the tasmi' method in DAQU and in DM can be concluded that, basically the differences between these two Islamic boarding schools are the advantages and attractions of each Islamic boarding school. However, these two Islamic boarding schools are the same prioritize the tahfidz program. Supporting and inhibiting factors are health, smooth memorization, motivation and a conducive environment. The inhibiting factors are lack of time management, boredom and boredom.

Keywords: Tasmi' method, Tajweed, Memorization Quality


Metode Tasmi’, Tajwid, Kualiatas Hafalan


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