Pengaruh Small Group Discussion (SGD) terhadap Tingkat Pengetahuan Siswa MAN 2 Banjarmasin tentang Penggunaan Antibiotik

Ashiela Ashiela, Darini Kurniawati, Adriana Palimbo


Pengunaan antibiotik yang tidak rasional secara berulang dapat mengakibatkan resistensi. Resistensi antibiotik adalah 10 ancaman kesehatan dunia. Salah satu yang memengaruhi penggunaan antibiotik adalah pengetahuan yang dapat ditingkatkan dengan edukasi. Remaja sebagai agent of change akan menjadi perubahan baik untuk dibekali pengetahuan tentang penggunaan antibiotik. Tujuan penelitian ini mengetahui pengaruh small group discussion terhadap tingkat pengetahuan siswa MAN 2 Banjarmasin tentang penggunaan antibiotik. Rancangan penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif yang bersifat true experimental menggunakan pre-test and post-test group design. Populasi dan sampel penelitian adalah siswa MAN 2 Banjarmasin yang diteliti sebanyak 104 siswa kelas XII dengan pengacakan stratified random sampling. Penelitian ini dilakukan selama bulan Juli 2022. Alat ukur yang digunakan adalah kuesioner dan data dianalisis menggunakan uji statistika dan regresi ordinal. Hasil tidak terdapat hubungan antara karakteristik responden terhadap tingkat pengetahuan penggunaan antibiotik. Tingkat pengetahuan responden pre-test adalah 16 orang baik, 34 orang cukup, dan 54 orang kurang. Pada hasil posttest tingkat pengetahuan mengalami perubahan menjadi 48 orang baik, 28 orang cukup, dan 28 orang kurang. Small group discussion memiliki pengaruh sebesar 53,2% terhadap tingkat pengetahuan siswa MAN 2 Banjarmasin tentang penggunaan antibiotik. Pemberian edukasi dengan metode small group discussion memberikan pengaruh terhadap tingkat pengetahuan siswa MAN 2 Banjarmasin tentang penggunaan antibiotik. Diperlukan penyampaian informasi dan edukasi yang rutin seperti penyuluhan maupun seminar oleh tenaga kesehatan untuk menambah pengetahuan penggunaan antibiotik.

Kata kunci: Antibiotik, edukasi, pengetahuan, penggunaan antibiotik

The Effect of Small Group Discussion (SGD) on the Knowledge Level of Banjarmasin MAN 2 Students about the Use of Antibiotics

Repeated irrational use of antibiotics can lead to resistance. Antibiotic resistance is a top 10 threat to world health. One that influences the use of antibiotics is knowledge that can be increased by education. Teenagers as agents of change will be a good change to be equipped with knowledge about the use of antibiotics. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of small group discussions on the level of knowledge of students at MAN 2 Banjarmasin about the use of antibiotics. The design of this research is quantitative which is true experimental using pre-test and post-test group design. The population and sample of the study were students of MAN 2 Banjarmasin who were studied as many as 104 students of class XII with stratified random sampling. This research was conducted during July 2022. The measuring tool used was a questionnaire and data were analyzed using statistical tests and ordinal regression. The results showed that there was no relationship between the characteristics of the respondents and the level of knowledge on the use of antibiotics. The knowledge level of the respondents in the pre-test was 16 good people, 34 people had enough and 54 people had less. In the posttest results the knowledge level category changed to 48 good people, 28 people were sufficient and 28 people were lacking. Small group discussion has an effect of 53.2% on the level of knowledge of Man 2 Banjarmasin students about the use of antibiotics. Providing education with the small group discussion method has an influence on the level of knowledge of Banjarmasin MAN 2 students about the use of antibiotics. It is necessary to deliver routine information and education such as counseling and seminars by health workers to increase knowledge on the use of antibiotics.

Keywords: Antibiotics, education, knowledge, use of antibiotics


Antibiotk; edukasi; pengetahuan; penggunaan antibiotik; Antibiotics; education; knowledge; use of antibiotics


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