Surya dalam Berita

Santi Indra Astuti


For sure, Surya Paloh is a political figure prominent enough in Indonesia. As one of important member of Golkar, Surya Paloh famously known as the leader who often made manouvres—many of them considered as unpopular decisions for his party-mate. He often use his media—Metro TV and Media Indonesia (daily newspaper)—to support his political career. An analysis of Surya Paloh’s news in his daily become the evidence of this hypotheses. Surya Paloh depicted here with the newsmaker, from Sultan to Presidents and other political leaders. Media Indonesia, therefore, has framed Surya Paloh as one of the newsmaker to be considered in national politics.


Surya Paloh, Media Indonesia, analisis berita


“Pers Harus Galang Solidaritas”. Berita HU Media Indonesia edisi Sabtu, 24 Januari 2004.

“Tidak Relevan Dikotomi Parpol Terhadap SARA”. Berita HU Media Indonesia edisi Kamis, 29 Januari 2004.

“Media Massa Dunia Berperan Besar: Memerangi Penyebaran AIDS”. Berita HU Media Indonesia edisi Kamis, 29 Januari 2004.

“Presiden Heran Terhadap Wacana Koalisi”. Berita HU Media Indonesia edisi Rabu, 11 Februari 2004.

“Surya-Sultan Adakan Pertemuan”. Berita HU Media Indonesia edisi Sabtu, 21 Februari 2004.

“Metro TV Gandeng 5 TV”. Berita HU Media Indonesia edisi Selasa, 2 Maret 2004.

“Capres Dunia Usaha”. Berita HU Media Indonesia edisi Jumat, 5 Maret 2004.

“Pengusaha Mampu Pimpin Negara”. Berita HU Media Indonesia edisi Jumat, 5 Maret 2004.

“Surya Diberi Gelar Tuanku Johan Pahlawan”. Berita HU Media Indonesia edisi Senin, 8 Maret 2004.



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