Perkembangan Teknologi Komunikasi dan Media Baru: Implikasi terhadap Teori Komunikasi

Novi Kurmia


Technology development has shaped the way we communicate each other. New media also built a new mode of communication. These developments lead to a new map of communication—in the field of practice and theoretical domain. Responding to these developments, Ward divided media to ‘new’ news media, ‘new’ non-news media, and traditional media. Each was characterized by its technology, interactivity, and any other features. McQuail divided media into 4 type: interpersonal communication media, interactive playing media, information searching engine, and information exchange media such as Internet. For Pavlik, technical functions become the main feature of media categorization. There are stages of production and processing information, distribution and transmitting information, and display or ways of presenting information.


teknologi, media baru, peta komunikasi baru


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Mc Quail, Dennis. 2000. Mc Quail’s Communication Theory (4th edition). London: Sage Publications.

Mc Quail, Dennis. 2002. Media Perfomance: Mass Communication and the Public Interest. London: Sage Publications.

Pavlik, John V., 1998. New Media Technology: Cultural and Commercial Perspectives. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

Rogers, Everett M. 1986. Communication Technology: The New Media in Society. New York: The Free Press.

Ward, Ian. 1995. Politics of the Media. Melbourne: Mac Milan.

Webster, Frank. 1995. Theories of the Information Society. New York: Routledge.



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