Ekonomi Media: Perlukah?
Rapid development of communication technology has shaped a new cultural landscape. In effect, the nature of mass media industry also changed a lot. To anticipate this new development, communication discipline needs a new study focused on media economy. Media economy is combination of two perspectives in media studies: business-economy perspective and media communication perspectives. The dimension of media in media economy emphasized three areas: production, content, and audiences. The dimension of economy in media economy studies focused on structure, conduct/policy, and performance. Meanwhile, the management of media corporation are consisted of revenue, cost and profit dimensions.
komunikasi, ekonomi media, perspektif bisnis media, perspektif kajian media
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Paul Starr (tt), The Creation of the Media. New York: Basics Books.
David Croteau & William Hoynes. 1997. Media/Society. Pine Forge Press. California: A Sage Publication Company.
Albarran, Olmsted, & Wirth. 2006. Handbook of Media Management & Economics. LEA, Inc, New Jersey.
John D.H. Downing , Chief Editor. 2004. Sage Handbook of Media Studies. California: Sage Publication.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.29313/mediator.v7i2.1279
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