Tahkim is a scientific journal managed and published by the Islamic Family Law Study Program (Ahwal Asy-Syakhsiyyah) of the Sharia Faculty of the Islamic University of Bandung. Tahkim is published twice a year, namely in March and October. Tahkim focuses on the field of Islamic law which includes Islamic family law, history, Islamic civil law, Islamic criminal law, islamic economic law, fiqh-ushul fiqh, fiqhiyah method, fiqhiyah masail, interpretation of ahkam hadith or relevant research results. This journal is in collaboration with the Islamic Family Law Study Program (Ahwal Asy-Syakhsiyyah) Bandung Islamic University with the Association of Islamic and Social Sciences Research Lecturers (ADPIKS). ISSN: 2598-1129, E-ISSN:2597-7962. has been accredited Sinta 5 since 2023.

Vol 8, No 1 (2025)
Table of Contents
Syaidatur Rosidah Alawiyah, Isna Diana
Alfiatur Rahmaniah
Betria Maiyulanda, Sobhan Sobhan, Azhariah khalida, Bakhtiar Bakhtiar
A. Sofi Marzuki, M. Ikhwanul Huda
As Syifa Nurul Aini, Tiara Dzahwani Azro, Siti Khopipah, Muhammad Raza