Peran Kepala Madrasah Dalam Peningkatan Kinerja Guru di MTs Inovatif Daarul Ihsan Cimahi

Arena Ade Kuswanto


This research is based on the phenomenon of low quality of education caused by low teacher performance. Teachers are the backbone of educational activities. The level of progress and development of education is greatly influenced by the leadership of the madrasa head in developing teachers. The aim of this research is to explore information on the role of madrasa heads in improving teacher performance at Mts Innovatif Daarul Ihsan Cimahi. This research is qualitative research by examining the condition of natural objects, where the researcher is the key instrument, sampling of data sources is carried out using purposive sampling, the collection technique is using training, data analysis is inductive/qualitative, and the research results emphasize meaning. The results of this research show that the madrasa head has carried out his role in improving teacher performance at MTs Innovatif Daarul Ihsan Cimahi. The role of the school principal includes: 1) planner, 2) implementer, 3) evaluator. From these results it can be concluded that the role of the madrasa head certainly influences the improvement of teacher performance in the school for the better.


Quality of education, role of madrasa head, teacher performance


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